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Monday 17 December 2012

Australia is a nation of procrastinators: survey

I procrastinated about writing this blog post.

Because, you know... oh, look at that: a book I am one page into! Add it to the pile. And, wait... is that crab salad I have in the fridge for lunch? And, hey... there's my paperwork for my invoicing.

I don't know if it's a case of job-half-done-itis... or a severe case of 'scatterbrain', but I do know I am a procrastinator. I can relate to this meme:

And so, this arrived in my inbox today and read it with interest... then did something else.

It's a survey* released today by Yellow Pages that reveals Australians are some of the biggest procrastinators.

Yes, the survey revealed Australia is a nation of procrastinators, with 53% of respondents admitting they put off jobs at home or at work.

According to the survey, 69% of Australians are more likely to procrastinate at home than work, with household chores (67%), DIY (36%) and cleaning (35%) the tasks we avoid doing the most.

More than a third of survey respondents (36%) also admit to procrastinating at work. Completing tasks associated with a specific job role (13%), administration (8%) and maintaining a clean workplace (8%) are the things they avoid doing.

Males and females share similar attitudes to procrastination, with 52% of men indicating they procrastinate, compared to 54% of women. The survey showed that men are more likely to procrastinate at work, and women are more likely to procrastinate at home. The latter, I can vouch for...

Residents in NSW (55%), Western Australia (54%) and Queensland (53%) are the nation’s biggest procrastinators. On the other hand, Tasmanians are the least likely to procrastinate and prefer to solve their problems straight away.

State by state, task by task, here is more about what we hate doing:

Paying bills (VIC, QLD, WA); gardening and mowing (NSW, VIC, QLD, SA, WA, TAS) vacuuming (SA), dusting (WA and SA) and doing the dishes at home (VIC and TAS) are among the list of things Australians procrastinate about the most. 

In line with the survey, and to help Aussies solve their procrastination problems and ‘tick’ things off their ‘to do’ list, Yellow Pages has released an updated iPhone and iPad app.

With more than 1.4 million local business listings, the new and improved features include: a ew iPad design to make finding and contacting businesses easy; an opening hours indicator on the search results; options to refine results, such as “sort by distance from me”; integration with iPhone & iPad address book for ‘Add to Contacts’ and sharing business information; users can contact an advertiser from search results via phone, email or by website click with their iPhone.

Mr Evan Ravensdale, Yellow Pages Group Product Manager, said the App will make it easy for Australians to find solutions to the problems they procrastinate over the most.

“Now, there’s no excuse for Australians to put off those jobs they don’t like doing, or don’t know how to do. The improved Yellow Pages App provides solutions for every problem, no matter how big or small it is.”

A full list of the Yellow Pages® App features are listed at www.yellowpages.com.au

The free app is available for download at https://itunes.apple.com/au/app/yellow-pages-australia/id325629947?mt=8

*The survey was conducted by OMD Insights and utilised a sample size of 1029 across Australia (excluding the Northern Territory), QLD N=181, NSW N=309, TAS N=100, VIC N=231, SA N=104, WA N=104.  The survey was completed by males and females aged 21-54.  Results cover: use of digital devices, leniency per state and by gender regarding tendency to procrastinate and tasks most likely to be procrastinated. Results available for publication.

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