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Wednesday 26 December 2012

Christmas depression - when the festive period saddens and disappoints: what to do about it

You may not think the two words above go together - 'Christmas' and 'depression', but if you've experienced the lows which come as a result of such sky-high expectations during the festive period, you'll get what this blog title is all about.

The reality is that Christmas is such an intensely high pressure time, laden with expectations from within yourself and from modern Western culture [Gifts! Fun! Keeping up with the blasted Joneses!] about how you should feel on this day - which, you'll remember, is actually all about celebrating one of the most important days on the Christian calendar.

In any case, you'd be in serious Catholic denial to not acknowledge that, religious or not, it's about families and couples and taking stock of end-of-year accomplishments, and hanging with people you perhaps don't get on with, and an overload of food, and OTT imbibing of booze.

Sadly, if you've just lost a family member and there is an empty chair at the table, or have been through a marriage breakdown, or your ex-partner has the kids for the day, or you are longing for a child and it hasn't happened yet, or a parent is seriously ill, or if you're working abroad... it's tough. Really, really tough. In fact, for any of the people described above: Christmas seriously sucks. And could quite possibly send you into a spiral of depression, a black hole you can't see out of.

It is especially on a day of high expectation like Christmas that you need to seek help. Speak to a relative, or a close friend, someone who you know will get you and what you are feeling.

If that's not possible, a call to Lifeline is essential... vital, even.

Because while everyone else is having fun - and very likely not having as much fun as you think they are - you are left feeling deeply lonely and alone. Talking to someone at this time is crucial to your mental wellbeing.

It's no surprise magazines and online news portals run stories on depression at this time. Read them, heed the warning signs, and do something about it immediately.

Call Lifeline on 131114 - they are open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year [yes, Christmas day included].

For more info, click here.

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