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Tuesday, 15 April 2014

US Airways NSFW photo on Twitter

In probably the biggest social media blunder by a company we've seen, US Airways has accidentally tweeted out a very NSFW (Not Safe For Work) photo for all the world to see.

US Airways is looking into what happened exactly.

Buzzfeed has reported it all started during this pretty routine conversation with a customer who was complaining about a delayed flight:
@USAirways Unhappy that 1787 sat for an hour on tarmac in CLT because overweight, resulting in over hour late arrival in PDX...
@ellerafter We truly dislike delays too and are very sorry your flight was affected.
@USAirways yeah, you seem so very sorry. So sorry, in fact, that you couldn't be bothered to address my other tweets.

And then, US Airways tweeted this…

And then on Monday, US Airways tweeted this...

Click here if you really want to see what the picture was. Warning: it is very graphic. 

The tweet was pulled down about an hour later, but it had already spread through Twitter very fast.

Here are some of the reactions:
I would HATE to be in PR for US Airways right now
Pulitzer in feature writing goes to the US Airways tweet
Some people are saying @USAirways was hacked but it looks like an inside job.

US Airways later acknowledged the tweet and apologised:

We apologize for an inappropriate image recently shared as a link in one of our responses. We’ve removed the tweet and are investigating.
The photo was trending on Reddit’s very NSFW shock imageboardSpacedicks last week. The graphic picture is originally from a German-language amateur porn and shock site.
No words, really.

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