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Saturday, 6 November 2010

Katherine Heigl: W Magazine December 2010 cover with her daughter Naleigh

Katherine Heigl cradling her cute little girl on the cover of the December 2010 issue is so heartwarming.

Heigl adopted Naleigh, who was born in South Korea with congenital heart problems (later corrected through surgery) just days before she started work on new film Life As We Know It.

"I was about to play a woman who inherits a baby, and I was experiencing the exact same thing," she said in the interview with W Magazine.

Inside the issue, Heigl also poses with mum Nancy and adopted sister Meg.

"My sister is Korean," Katherine said. "I hope one day she and Naleigh will be able to talk about what it's like to be adopted."

Heigl says the decision to adopt was a subject she broached with her then boyfriend/later husband, musician Josh Kelley, before they got engaged.

"Not everybody is down with that," she says. "Not everybody thinks that."

"I just wanted to make sure that I was marrying a guy who understands that this was going to have to happen."

The 31-year-old sings the praises of hubby Josh.

"I really could not have imagined a better father for [Naleigh]. She’s the luckiest little kid. We call him “Disneyland Dad” because as soon as he comes in it’s just fun and happiness — and she rides around the room on his shoulders. He’s [also] fantastic with diapers, food, naptime, playtime – he’s got it all."

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