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Tuesday, 9 November 2010

SUPRÉ Money Tree: a 'cash' grab this Thursday in Pitt St Mall

Last week, SUPRÉ pulled off a fab city stunt outside their new Westfield Pitt Street Mall store and it was such a success, they are doing the whole shebang again (times like this I wish working at my old digs in the nearby Centrepoint building... sniff).

This Thursday November 11, the SUPRÉ Money Tree is back, and that means shoppers can take part in a good ol' fashioned cash grab... all you need to do is head to Pitt Street Mall (Market Street end) between 5.30pm and 6.30pm, for a chance to pick SUPRÉ Money Tree vouchers worth $5, $10, $20, $50, and $100!

These special SUPRÉ dollars are then redeemable at the city store that same night and until Sunday 14 November.

Get yourself down there, peeps. And you'll also get the first glimpse of the SUPRÉ Aussie Maids, said to impart healthy messages for Australian folk. Intriguing...

For all the latest SUPRÉ fashion, go to: http://www.supre.com.au/

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