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Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Samantha Brick: "Why women hate me for being beautiful."

Would you ever say that you're too beautiful and women hate you because of it?

This woman did.

In what has become an internet sensation in mere days, writer Samantha Brick wrote a piece for The Daily Mail on "the downsides to looking this pretty"; in it, she says:

"While I’m no Elle Macpherson, I’m tall, slim, blonde and, so I’m often told, a good-looking woman. I know how lucky I am. But there are downsides to being pretty — the main one being that other women hate me for no other reason than my lovely looks.

"If you’re a woman reading this, I’d hazard that you’ve already formed your own opinion about me — and it won’t be very flattering. For while many doors have been opened (literally) as a result of my looks, just as many have been metaphorically slammed in my face — and usually by my own sex.

"I’m not smug and I’m no flirt, yet over the years I’ve been dropped by countless friends who felt threatened if I was merely in the presence of their other halves. If their partners dared to actually talk to me, a sudden chill would descend on the room.

You can read the whole piece here:


Following the huge internet buzz created by the piece - at last count there were over 5,000 comments on the post and the story has had over 1.5 million hits - today she wrote another piece:


She says: "While I've been shocked and hurt by the global condemnation, I have just this to say: my detractors have simply proved my point. Their level of anger only underlines that no one in this world is more reviled than a pretty woman."

Of the comments on the original piece, the top-rated comment was from Annie, in Toronto, Canada, who received an astonishing 22,500+ 'green arrows' from fellow readers for saying Samantha needs a 'reality check'.

Funny, I Googled the words "I'm so beautiful" to research this piece, and this came up on Google before Samantha's piece:

Okay, okay... all jibes aside, I'd like to weigh in a little here.

My very close pal is a total stunner.

She's a mum of many, speaks her mind, and has a killer body. She's smart, savvy, and ultra-sexy.

Yet, for many years, the green-eyed monster has reared its ugly head on many of her friendships. They've ended mysteriously. Sometimes acrimoniously. And many times I have heard her say, "Gosh, they see me, with a great family, life, money, body... and hate me. Why?"

"They're just jealous, hon," I tell her, and mean it. This is the girl that has guys drop their jaws when she walks by. And she is always so oblivious to the commotion. But she never, ever hits on other women's husbands and could not be bothered with frenemies, choosing only real friendships with women.

My friend is a bit of a Samantha Brick.

She gets treated well, is on the receiving end of compliments, and is admired by many.

Except the glaringly obvious difference between her and Samantha is that she'd never declare to the world its because she is beautiful. Instead, I can confidently say, it's because she's a respectful, intelligent, sensitive human being.

There is one thing I definitely admire about Samantha - she speaks her mind. And is incredibly brave. [Okay, that's two].

What are your thoughts on Samantha's piece, and her reaction today?

Applause? Or appalled?



  1. People don't hate her because she's beautiful. They hate her because she's up herself.

  2. A bit of humility and class go so much further than good looks. Someone who carries on about how beautiful they are have neither.

  3. And spot on there, Leighta!
