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Wednesday, 18 April 2012

The Voice: top picks

Have you succumbed to the spell of 'The Voice', Australia?

Dammit, I am under.

But while the song by Rachael Leahcar has garnered the most press, the performance that had me hitting the rewind button over (and over) again was this one, by Paula Parore:

Her delivery, that composure... those lyrics {"But don't you remember? Don't you remember? The reason you loved me before. Baby, please remember me once more."}

I am going to say something a little controversial: her delivery is more moving than Adele's.

It certainly had Seal in, er, raptures...

And then, yes... there is Rachael Leachar (as someone so cleverly pointed out on YouTube comments: Rachael Leachar spelt backwards... is still Rachael Leachar. Very clever parents):

Deeply moving rendition, especially considering her backstory: she is legally blind, and has overcome her setback to triumph with her magical voice.

And then there was Karise Eden (what? Only 19?):

And the amazing Laura Bunting's rendition of Kate Bush's 'Wuthering Heights':

And the eyeliner-loving Jimmy Cupples and 'Woman':

Who is your fave so far? Are you hooked too?

Pic of Paula Parore: Perth Now


  1. Agreed prefer Paula...

  2. PLEASE! We so badly want to watch these videos here in Canada but most of them are not made available for us to view. Only Rachael's and 2 others we can view. Please can some fans there in Australia put pressure on the Voice au.com to make these videos available for us to watch?
    Thank you so much!

  3. Hello Peggy, I will contact the right people for you and see what they say...

    I am hearing you: it's so frustrating when I want to watch vids from the US and I can't... :)

  4. Agreed, Vocal Alchemy... I could (and have) listened to her voice over and over again...
