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Thursday, 23 January 2014

Adam Boland resigns from 'Wake Up'

In TV news just in, Adam Boland has resigned from 'Wake Up', Channel 10's breakfast program, as Executive Producer of the show.

The news site news.com.au has reported that Channel Ten Chief Executive Officer Hamish McLennan said: "We are sorry to lose Adam. But we fully understand and support his decision to take a break from the television industry and focus on restoring his health.

"We are very grateful to Adam for the passion, enthusiasm and drive he brought to his role at Ten over the past 10 months. He is leaving a great legacy. Studio 10 has been a success since day one and is being increasingly embraced by viewers and advertisers. Wake Up has strong potential and will develop further this year."

Photo: News Limited

Adam - who suffers from bipolar disorder - was instrumenta in the launch of both 'Wake Up' and 'Studio 10', and has taken two breaks as executive producer of Ten's morning shows in recent months after suffering a breakdown. He returned in early December and has written his struggles with this condition and depression (his "black dog"). The man is to be commended for being so honest about it all.

Adam posted the following statement on his Facebook page:

"So, I made a big life decision this month which I can finally talk about. I'm leaving Ten and indeed, television. Since my breakdown, I have struggled to get my mind back in the game. And that's unfair to my many friends who produce morning TV at Ten. I'm proud of the shows we launched - but they will only reach their full potential with strong leadership.

"I'm thankful that Ten agreed to release me from my contract. The truth is, I have lost my passion for television. Sadly, that's something I only realised when I started doing day-to-day shows again.

"Across the past 17 years, I have achieved far more than I ever expected. I've met people I adore, from Al Gore to Benjamin Law. I've dined with Prime Ministers and argued with newspaper editors. I even got to produce a prime-time concert at the Opera House! But I'm most proud of the times we shed light on issues I care about - climate change, equality and most recently, mental health.

"There's nothing more I want to do in television. So, Kenny and I will spend the next four months (at least) in Vanuatu. We have no plan and frankly, that's exactly what we want. I need some stillness in my life.

"And that means I'm not sure what I will do next, but whatever it is, it will need to provoke my passion. Suspect it will have something to do with one of my pet causes above.

"Anyway, thanks to everyone who I had the pleasure of working with in television. I hope that many will forever remain friends. And whenever you need a break, drop in to our little hideaway in Vanuatu."
For more on who has replaced Adam, click here.
I for one think Adam is a fantastic human being. I do not know him personally, but I think the show is entertaining and informative, the mix of hosts on both shows just right, the guests on the shows are interesting, and the stories go beyond the usual breakfast and morning TV fare, and the spotlight he has placed on mental health (including a series of stories the show has done on the issues) speaks highly of the man's integrity and focus. I wish him all the best.

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