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Monday 26 January 2015

#tay4hottest100 fail - Taylor Swift disqualified from Triple J 'Hottest 100'

It's over.

The campaign to have superstar singe Taylor Swift be a part of the legendary Triple J 'Hottest 100' has failed.

The decision, announced by Triple J presenter Lewis McKirdy before the countdown had even begun, ends after 11 days of trying to have the all-American songstress enter the charts usually reserved for emerging Australian music.

"First I need to address something and it's important, we haven't addressed it yet. Taylor Swift. That's what I'm talking about. Is she in this list?" said Lewis, before playing a buzzer sound effect to indicate Tay-Tay had been disqualified.

"That abrasve noise would suggest not. She's out for a whole range of reasons. All of them are at a website that we've set up. If you want to go there... it's call triplejfeed.com."

You can see that site here. It may have crashed - again - but if you do get on it, here is what you will find: a parody of Buzzfeed, the website which promoted the campaign for Swift to make the countdown from the outset using the #tay4hottest100 hashtag. (Here is a screenshot of the whole page below):

Triple J's main reason for disqualifying Taylor Swift seems to be a huge swipe at Buzzfeed, as the article on the site is set out as a standard Buzzfeed article often is, with the headline '8 Hilarious But Totally True reasons You Didn't Hear "Shake It Off" In the Hottest 100'.

The first reason - "DON'T BUZZ (Feed) the TROLLS" includes the line "the attempt at shaking their #hashtag weight around to directly influence a publicly voted music poll 'started as a bit of a joke between myself and a few colleagues...' to 'teach those music snobs a lesson'."

One of the other seven reasons listed points to what the radio station saw as incorrect voting procedures, such as: "talented/unemployed web developers [spammed the song] into the Hottest 100 via an ingenious web app".

It was also aimed at KFC's involvement in promoting the #tay4hottest100 hashtag: "The Hottest 100's an opportunity for individuals everywhere for individuals everywhere to cast their vote for their legit favourite song of the year. The invitation doesn't extend to Fried Chicken companies eager to wrap their greasy fingers around a freshly-minted hashtag."

Are you upset Taylor Swift didn't make the cut in the end?

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