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Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Clinique #StartBetter Global Campaign: VIDEO

This just in… a new campaign by Clinique. It's feel good, and perfect for the beginning of the year:

In 1968, Clinique launched with the simple promise that 'Great Skin Can Be Created'. Today, the brand is taking this message beyond beauty, empowering its social media fans to embrace their dreams, and promising them that a great future can be created, one step at a time.

The #StartBetter campaign launches across all Clinique social media channels with an inspirational video that begins with the question, “When was the last time...you did something for the first time? The manifesto video reminds viewers that “There’s a moment...When all of a sudden maybes and might bes turn into confidence and courage”, and is designed to engage and inspire social media commitments from viewers that “Today is the day I will start ______.”

For two days following the launch of the manifesto, Clinique will be interacting with fans via social media, providing delightful and personalized content to celebrate user promises to #StartBetter. The content animates engagement with fans, and also to reminds everyone that each commitment to #StartBetter is a joyful step towards a better version of the future.

“This is a campaign celebrating fresh starts, new beginnings and bold steps forward,” said Agnes Landau, SVP Global Marketing, Clinique. “Clinique stands for more than great products; we stand for the right to be the best version of oneself, inside and out. Anyone can join us in making a commitment to starting better right here, right now.”

#StartBetter is Clinique’s first global social media campaign created in partnership with the agency 360i. The campaign includes content across all social media channels, designed to bring the manifesto to life, inspire new beginnings, and engage users across multiple platforms and ultimately in-store, beginning January 2015.

“Clinique has always shared its belief in a great life at any age with millions of women the world over. That’s where we found the inspiration for #StartBetter,” said Lee Maicon, SVP of Strategy, 360i. “This is a campaign to encourage the optimistic global voice of women by sharing their belief in their own power and control to start, whatever they’re starting, better.”

In Australia the campaign will also see the brand partner with 3 Influencers across nutrition, travel and graphic design. These three influencers will take Clinique fans on a journey of their own #StartBetter inspired manifesto. They are: in February nutritionist Jessica Sepel; March is Carissa Smart from Design by Aikonik, and in April will be travel blogger Mister Weekender.

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