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Friday, 24 April 2015

'Bruce Jenner: The Interview' - Australian Screen Dates

With much being reported on Bruce Jenner's upcoming interview with Diane Sawyer in Australian media, Australian TV is also screening the interview - the first broadcast will happen simultaneously with the US broadcast. It will be a two hour interview.

The first broadcast is on Sky Business (channel 602) on Foxtel on Saturday April 25, at 11am.

The second broadcast is on Channel Nine on the 20/20 programe on Sunday April 26, at 10.45pm.

In this video, Bruce Jenner talks about his family to Diane Sawyer. In the new trailer, he says: "I can’t let myself hurt them."

'Bruce Jenner: The Interview' is set to air on Friday, April 24, at 9 p.m. ET. in the US. The Australian screen dates are as above.

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