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Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Sam Frost: 'The Bachelorette' Australia

In TV new just in, Sam Frost has been announced as the first 'The Bachelorette' for Australia.

Fans of 'The Bachelor' will recall Sam was chosen by Blake Garvey (the second 'Bachelor' for the Australian series, which screened last year) to be his one and only, and a much-talked about finale… only to be, well, un-chosen by Blake in favour of fellow contender on the show, Louise Pillidge. That couple is still together.

And now, it's Sam's turn to (hopefully) find TV love all over again.

What do you think of the choice? Will you be watching?

You can follow 'The Bachelorette' Australia on Facebook here.

And for US fans, this was the first US 'The Bachelorette' proposal - Trista and Ryan!

Still together after over a decade of marriage:

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