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Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Gay couple in 80s want right to marry before they die

This story moved me to tears.

My friend posted it and I knew it would be emotional.

And this, my friends, is why gay marriage should be happening in Australia. This, and the fact that it's really not a straight couple's business how a gay couple conduct, view, or 'legalise' their relationship (of course it's already legal, but to go that extra step, in the eyes of the law, as a married couple). Also, look at how elderly and beautiful they are. Give them their last wish!

An excerpt below, then read more here.

A Sydney-based gay couple aged in their late eighties, who have been in a relationship for 48 years, say they want the right to marry before they die.

After a lifetime of relative privilege and opportunity, it is the one thing that eludes John Challis, and at 87, it really bothers him.

"I'm not going to live forever," he said.

His partner, Arthur Cheeseman, who is 83 and has trouble seeing and hearing, was not well enough to take part in an interview.

"He is getting frail", Mr Challis said.

"We met at the Art Gallery of New South Wales; it was the final night of the great Sydney Northern retrospective in 1967.

Via abc.net.au - story in hyperlink above.

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