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Thursday 6 August 2015

Lenny Kravitz #penisgate: PHOTO + VIDEO

Overnight, a social media savvy friend, who also has a penchant for having a perve (who doesn't, c'mon) sent me the uncensored photo of Lenny Kravitz with his penis exposed… and pierced.

To protect some modicum of decency for poor ol' Lenny (honestly, I don't think this uber cool, bona fide rockstar cares), here is the censored shot (there maaaaay be an uncensored one if you keep scrolling down…)

Suffice to say… it's ample, and out and proud, and pierced.

During a very cool rocking out kinda squat, Lenny ripped his leather pants, as you do. It was at a performance at Stockholm and of course, many cameras snapped and footage was taken.

Okay, okay… we have it here:

We're proud to say Lenny was interviewed by yours truly many years ago, for the fabulous Cream magazine.

Here is that cover and story. Ah, Lenny. Still the most perfect, Smartie-like belly button I have EVER seen:

And then, Steven Tyler's response of course:

And, the memes are here (okay, here is peek at THAT PHOTO):

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