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Thursday, 13 August 2015

'The Longest Ride': Digital Download Giveaway

Did you catch 'The Longest Ride' at the cinema?

Josie's Juice did, and took along two teens and an old school pal as guests.

They were keen as, seeing as it's a romaaaaantic story based on the Nicholas Sparks book. And every single Sparks book is brimming with romance ('The Notebook', 'A Walk To Remember', 'Safe Haven', need we go on?). In fact, his films have grossed over $740 million at the box office to date. YIKES!

As for me, and my same aged guest: we were... mouth agape at the breathtaking beauty of Scott Eastwood. Yes, I said 'beauty' in reference to a bloke. And when you clap eyes on Scott, you too will use feminine sounding words to describe him.

And, he comes from great hunk o' spunk stock: Clint Eastwood, man of a gazillion roles and director genius of many screen gems.

'The Longest Ride' also stars the stunning Britt Robertson, and Oona Chaplin and Alan Alda.

Here is the trailer:

And now, the movie is released on DVD and YOU have chance to watch it online, via the FIVE DVD codes Josie's Juice is giving away (so, you'll be entering a comp to download it your device immediately).

Here is the DVD cover (if you're buying the DVD itself), so you can ogle the eye candy all over again.

If you're a lucky winner (find out how to enter below), here is where you go for more detailed instructions on how to download: http://support.apple.com/kb/ht1574

And more information on Digital HD is here: www.digitalhd.com.au

And if you simply can't wait to watch it, here is the direct iTunes link to purchase right now.

And so, Josie's Juice readers can win a digital download code, to immediately download and start watching Scott - and the beautiful Britt - in all their close up cinematic glory. Here is all you need to do:

- Follow me on Instagram and Twitter if you are on the social media platforms. Also, share 'The Longest Ride' prize photo on @josiegags on Instagram by taking a screenshot of it, then using these hashtags: #regram #josiesjuice #competitions #giveaways #prizes #TheLongestRide

- Share this link on your Facebook wall

- Comment below on why you'd like to win this prize (it's on sale now on digital, Blu-Ray, and DVD formats) AND email me at josiegags@optusnet.com.au so I can contact you in case you are a winner. If you don't enter a valid email address I spend lots of time trying to track you down, or simply give the prize to the next person - not fun for anyone!

(If you find it hard to comment below because your device won't let you - sometimes that happens on an iPhone, for example - simply send me your entry and mailing address via email at josiegags@optusnet.com.au).

*Competition is open to Australian residents only. FIVE digital downloads on offer to win. Competition drawn within week, as codes to be redeemed within next few weeks.

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