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Thursday, 7 October 2010

Witchery Kids - apparently, this is offensive.

Many weeks ago, I found out that Witchery was releasing a kid's range. So I rang the PRs and asked for images and a release. Never happened, but perhaps they were prepping for the mini maelstrom that has erupted today over the Witchery Kids campaign.

On Kerri-Anne this AM, they had an expert speak about how these photos are damaging to kids and how these (and this is not a direct quote; I deleted the show from my Foxtel IQ) images are making kids grow up too quickly.

Um, what?

When I see these images, I see hip, cool kids who present lashings of kiddie 'tood, can rock rolled up jeans, of-the-moment hairstyles, and my fave accessories twist of the season: the looped belt.

What I don't see is "the sexualisation of children."

Have these detractors not seen a copy of Studio Bambini from, oh, the past decade? Or the photo shoots from every issue of Shop Til You Drop 4 Kids since its inception?

They've been filling their pages with edgy kiddie shoots for yonks.

No doubt the style savvy parents (well, the mums) have been demanding this kind of editorial, and the publications deliver.

Now, I am not a label snob (when you have twins, chances are you can't afford to be) but I like these mini threads. Not everyone wants to put their kids in floral dungarees and merchandising-hell (we are in the midst of one right now in my house: it's all about Dora and Thomas).

I simply see this range as a cute, fashion forward alternative.

What do you think?

PS: the mother of one of the girls on the Witchery shoot emailed Kerri-Anne and angrily denied there was anything 'sexy' about the shoot. She recounted how they spent the day laughing and having fun with it all. Sounds harmless to me.


  1. i see it more like they are hipstering children which is a horrifying and terrible thing to inflict on young minds. but sexualisation? it's just clothes. i think sometimes that people's minds are in the gutter.

  2. Well said there, Zelda! I do agree it puts pressure on kids to look cool, but looking 'sexy'...? Please!
