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Sunday 23 February 2014

Charlotte's Law - Tougher Cyber Bullying Legislation: Petition

This just in: a new petition - via change.org - to petition tougher laws around cyber bullying, in light of the very sad and tragic death of Charlotte Dawson.

Click here is the petition to sign.

The message on the petition says:

The world lost a beautiful soul on February 22nd 2014. A soul that could light up an empty room, a soul that dreamed of the best. 
Charlotte Dawson, 47, took her own life. The circumstances surrounding her death are not yet known, however it was publicly known Charlotte had a long battle with depression and bullying.  
Charlotte fought hard for a reform into cyber bullying; she campaigned so hard for something so simple - a better world. 
In life Charlotte dreamed of eradicating negativity off social media, in death we will continue fighting for her and make her proud of our continuing battle. Charlotte's death can not be in vain. 
We ask that the Australian Government consider implementing legislation that makes cyber bullying a crime. We ask that Social Media companies take a more active role in the prevention of cyber bullying, and take more responsibility in monitoring posts of 'hate'. We ask that together we unite to change the cyber bullying platform.
There are many people who loved and admired you dearly.  You will be missed Charlotte. 
- Em Mastronardi (@EmMastronardi) , Sam McCauley (@SamMcCauley) & Lara Harwood (@LaraH67). 

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