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Friday, 26 June 2015

Bianca Dye: Leaving Radio i98FM

Bianca Dye is leaving radio i98FM, she announced today on the radio station.

Here is the Facebook post:

Bianca has just shared on air that she is leaving the i98FM Breakfast Show to pursue her bucket list and chase some new opportunities! We wish you all the best and thank you for your contribution to the station, the community and most importantly, to our listeners. We know you have made a difference to many!

And the Instagram post, with the same caption:

Bianca has just shared on air that she is leaving the i98FM breakfast show to pursue her bucket list and chase some new opportunities! We wish you all the best and thank you Bianca for your contribution to the station, the community and most importantly, to our listeners. #wewishyouwell #adventurebeckons#bucketlist

Here are some gold moments of Bianca:

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