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Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Chrissie Swan on her weight: "Why can't it just be kilos?" Australian Women's Weekly story

Three cheers for Chrissie Swan.

One of the original co-hosts from Channel Ten's morning show 'The Circle', one half of current radio show 'The 3pm Pick-Up [with Yumi Stynes] and all-round HILARIOUS girl, is the Australian Women's Weekly cover girl, for the June issue, out today.

She talks about 'the fat issue'... and TV shows that centre on that:

"I never bought into that, 'I am fat, and therefore I am bad' way of thinking," she tells the June issue of The Australian Women's Weekly, out today.

To read more, go here.

I am off to buy the magazine right now...

And some 'gold' Chrissie moments [including this one... who else could grab Kim Kardashian's butt and get away with it... except Chrissie!]

And this one... nobody tells a story like Chrissie [this one's a beauty. Always wear your undies, people]:

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