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Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Miley Cyrus: "Sex is magical and cool" - The Conversation

Oh, Miley... you've grown up:

Miley Cyrus spoke to Amanda De Cadanet in this scene of US TV show 'The Conversation', and this quote in particular has garnered the most attention:

"It’s the only way we create, and it’s the only way the world keeps going. So it’s ignorant not to talk to your kids about it or [not] make it seem as magical or cool as it actually is. [Kids] have a TV, so they know what sex is. So educate them and let them know… it’s a beautiful thing, and it is magic, and it’s when you connect with somebody. And it isn’t how much you’re worth. Your worth isn’t based on that, your worth is based on how you feel about yourself."

Miley also opens up about her first heartbreak and gives advice to her 14 year-old self, in this scene of 'The Conversation' [a show described as "an alternative new interview series", hosted by Amanda de Cadenet and executive produced by Amanda, and Demi Moore.]

And you can see the full ep here (also featuring Diane von Furstenberg, Glenda Bailey, and funny woman Melissa McCarthy) with Miley's quote about sex from the 6 minute mark:

1 comment:

  1. That's all well and good but wearing that blazer was just plain skanky for a 19 year old.
