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Saturday, 19 May 2012

Matthew Newton: his parents' responsibility?

The Herald Sun is reporting in their Confidential pages that an Australian friend of troubled actor Matthew Newton claims the Newton family offered "no assistance" to their son.
"His parents never helped out. Never. They gave no assistance. 
"I had to get the money for the bail. It was Matt's own money, not mine, but I had to get it," Alison Thompson alleged to Confidential at the InStyle Women of Style awards this week.
While Newton's famous parents, Bert and Patti, have told media they "continue to support Matthew" following his two separate arrests in Florida, Alison claimed she got Newton out of jail because his family would not post the $200 bail.
And Alison added the 35-year-old actor is "on the verge of suicide" in the US.
Thompson called Newton a "genius", adding "I think he is on the verge of suicide." 
"When you're dealing with someone with a mental illness you can't just slap them on the hand and say, 'You can't do that any more' like you would a child."
Matt's mum Patti went on TV show 'Mornings' following the arrests last month. She spoke about her turn on 'Celebrity Apprentice' and also talked at length about her son.
Watch after the eight minute mark:

Meanwhile, Newton's lawyer Chris Murphy says Patti and Bert were "never required" to help.
"Matt did not want his family involved - they were never needed for the bail," he said.
Read the entire story in the Herald Sun here:

What are your thoughts?

How 'responsible' should Matthew Newton's parents be for his actions?

Please feel free to share your thoughts - anonymously if you like - about it.

(Photo credit: Daily Telegraph)


  1. I'm in the process of looking at Matthew Newton and the media's portrayal of his mental illness for an essay due this week ... As a result I've been reading extensively, both all articles be they audio or written, as well reams and reams of sociology and mental health texts. His lawyer has stated time and again that Matthew doesn't want to involve his parents - as a 35 year old man he has that right! Also as a 35 year old man, there is little they can do for him or make him do other than offer their support. If he chooses not to accept their support that is his right. Only he and he alone can work through his current issues, with the assistance of mental health carers - be they psychs, counsellors and the like.
    It never ceases to amaze me the "friends" that come out of the woodwork at times like these...

  2. If it was my son, at whatever age and whatever he said, I'd fly, run, jog, skip, walk, across the Earth to be by his side. Not happy Bert & Patti....

  3. I agree with Leah's comment, he is, after all, a 35 year old man, therefore as much as his parents or caretakers can offer support it really is up to him to take it or leave it.

    I'm a HUGE supporter of de-stigmatising Mental Illness & whilst I have a great deal of empathy for those suffering from Mental Illness. I am not at all a fan of MN. In fact, in my opinion, I feel he has actually harmed the cause significantly by not taking personal responsiblity.

    I, as many others, grew up knowing that my parent's would always support me IF I 'chose' to help myself. The biggest problem in the case of MN is he has also chosen not to take personal responsibility for himself or his actions.

    Beyond not taking responsiblity for his actions, he has chosen not to apologise for his actions or the consequences of those actions.

    Whilst being repeatedly asked if he would like to apologise in an interview with Tracy Grimshaw earlier this year MN 'chose' to blame his illness for his actions, therefore he also 'chose' to take change his role from 'perpetrator' to 'victim'. Either way, in Psychological terms, he is swapping Schema modes, rather than adopting a healthy adult self.

    Whilst the road to recovery for anyone suffering from Mental Illness can be a long haul; acceptance, responsibility & commitment are essential in the process. Unfortunately any help that MN has received he has either chosen not to take on or it hasn't been sufficient to really keep him on the road to long term recovery.

    Ultimately, as an adult, it really does come down to choice...you have to want to get better & you have to choose who you want to support you through your journey.

  4. Karen, well said. Agree 100%.

  5. I think he needs to grow up. ..look at the shame he has brought on Bert and Patty. He can't act for shit. ..
