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Wednesday, 1 September 2010

GUEST BLOGGER: Montarna McDonald - Sweaty Betty Public Relations

Today's guest blogger is the uber-cool Montarna McDonald from Sweaty Betty PR again. She made such an impact last time on Josie's Juice that her post received loads of hits - in the triple digits and the highest number of hits on my blog. So share this link like mad so she keeps blogging for us, eh?

Here, trend-spotter Montarna talks about cuffs... two of 'em. Yep, count 'em. I am accessories-mad so it will be a cinch to loads up on the cuffs, Wonder Woman-style. I love this trend so much I had to show the black and white Chanel pic twice (and how seriously gorgeous is that feather-y cape?). See, you're starting to see double already.

Double Trouble

The latest fall fashion trend has given a big nod to flaunting not one, but two cuffs.

That’s right, one cuff on each wrist - worn like Superwoman - is here to stay this season.

Seen on the catwalks of Chanel and Celine, the double cuff phenomenon is taking the fashion world by storm and is now starting to creep up on high street.

Wear your wrist armour with pride and double up your cuffs for some serious spring style!

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