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Friday, 5 September 2014

Lena Dunham: Tweets on Joan Rivers

Lena Dunham has tweeted a quip about Joan Rivers - a few hours after her death. It's pretty scathing.

Is it too soon?

One word: no. Lena and Joan enjoyed a curious relationship - Joan constantly ribbed Lena.

More on that below.

Here are Lena's tweets on Joan in the past few hours/days:

And earlier, she wrote:

Several days before that, when Joan was first hospitalised, she wrote:

Here's a short backgrounder:

And Sharon Osbourne discussing the Lena/Joan debate:

And then, Lena talks to Howard Stern on the Joan Rivers chat:

Here is Giuliana Rancic's touching statement about Joan.

And here are Joan's funny requirements for her own funeral.

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