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Friday, 26 September 2014

Nickelodeon SLIMEFEST 2014: PHOTOS - part two

Nickelodeon’s (Nick’s) third annual SLIMEFEST unleashed the most slime of all time to 9000 kids and families in two epic shows at Sydney’s Olympic State Sports Centre today!

LA based, home-grown heartthrob, CODY SIMPSON and his sister ALLI SIMPSON flew in from the States to headline the slimy mess fest, alongside stars; JUSTICE CREW, US songstress,  SABRINA CARPENTERTHE COLLECTIVERICKI-LEE and SAVAGE.

And now… more pics for you to enjoy, below.

Don't forget, if you're in Melbourne, it's your turn on Sunday - the first time SLIMEFEST heads your way.

GIANT ZORB BALL unleashed a slime eruption which helped to smash the Guinness World Record for Most People Slimed in 24hrs!* (It was super-fab to see my old friend Chris Sheedy from Guinness World Records at the door of the venue, click-click-clicking away counting all the people streaming through!)

one-hour special featuring highlights from the show will air exclusively on Nickelodeon this coming Monday, 29 September at 5pm.

To attend SLIMEFEST in Melbourne (the first time in Melbourne!), go here for info and tickets.

*The official Guinness World Record title is Most people gunged/slimed in 24hrs.

Here are some sensational photos from the 2014 SLIMEFEST in Sydney, showing the stars in action on stage and backstage on the orange carpet (orange is Nickelodeon's signature colour).

All photos from Nickelodeon Australia and Getty Images.

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